Monthly Archives: November, 2013

SF Tip 4: The 3R model of review

SF tip 4: The 3R model of review

by Antoinette Oglethorpe

I have developed a simple tool to use with my clients to help them review between sessions. The tool is the 3 Rs and it stands for:

1. Reflect on progress
2. Recognise achievements
3. Reward successes

Here are the instructions:

1. Reflect on progress. You can do this in your head; you can talk it out loud or you can write the answers down. Equally, feel free to share the answers with me or keep them until we talk next. The key thing is to answer these 3 questions:

a. What’s better since we spoke last? (anything and everything)
b. What helped make things better? (any deliberate action by yourself or others or any “happy accident” that might have contributed)
c. What’s next? (how can you do more of what’s worked and build on the progress that’s been made so far)

2. Recognise achievements. Out of all of the above, what are you most proud of? What do you now know about what you are good at/capable of?

3. Reward success. How can you reward yourself for the progress you have made so far? (it doesn’t have to cost money e.g. could just be with an hour to yourself and a long hot bath).

I have deliberately kept the process simple so that it doesn’t have to take long (about 15 mins max) and you can do it anywhere (while driving, walking the dog, showering etc).

I used it with a client who I spoke to yesterday and she said she found it so helpful that she’s going to start doing it on a daily basis and maybe use it as the basis of a reflective journal (something I suggested she may want to consider). In her particular case, she is an ex-sales director who is used to focusing on the big prize and the concept of “its not won until its won”. She is now self-employed and beating herself up for lack of pipeline in spite of some very positive meetings and conversations so we’re working on “mini-rewards for mini-hits” rather than just “big reward for big hits”. In other words it’s all about the small steps. But of course we all know that…

Hope this is interesting/useful. More than happy to discuss/answer any questions you may have.

Antoinette OgleAntoinettethorpe is a Leadership Development & Career Management Consultant who provides solution-focused coaching, training & facilitation services to help leaders in organisations develop their careers, drive change and achieve business growth. She is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD with over 20 years experience in a professional, commercial environment, and has been a member of the sfwork team since 2007.