Monthly Archives: March, 2018

‘Working WITH change, not against it’ – new video with Mark McKergow

I was very excited to be invited to Bulgaria as the keynote speaker for Reinventing Organizations 2017.  This fascinating and participative one-day event was hosted in Sofia and featured many great speakers from within Bulgaria and further afield.  I set the stage by giving a 20 minute talk on ‘Working WITH change’ – ways to move away from linear approaches which assume that organisations are like machines and can be re-engineered, towards methods like Solutions Focus which assume that change is happening all the time and embrace it.  I talk about ‘five myths of change’ and debunk them to leave instead five ways to work WITH change.

The video is now online – you can watch below.  My talk starts at 12.00 minutes in, and is in English.  Enjoy and let me know what you think.